Sunday, April 02, 2006

read the cover line.lots of yakking of my unfair life.just got off the phone talking to thuan.
her words are so true sometimes.made me think.what the frog am i doing? why am i doing this to him? why is He doing this to me? i cant stop thinking its unfair to him. i do love him. thuan ask do i really? so the question now is how much can you love a person when you just got to know the person?he said he does love me. so is it really love? what is love? sometimes i get confuse of what He's doing. like why do this after all we've been thru? its not fair to me. and its not fair to him.

speaking of fair, life keeps on getting screwed. what the heck have i done in the past life to deserve this? i have been loyal to Him for sooooooooo frogging long. but lots of broken promises, betrayal leads me to where i am. i have been bad. i am not as good as you think. all i ask is for you to forgive me. for all that i've done. hurting you without me knowing it. i hurt too. a lot. life has been cruel.

everyday i wish i could forget the past and run with you.but i cant.its haunting me.i have sinned a lot. and now im doing it again.i dont want to.i do love you. will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? how can i tell you i am being sincere? how can i show you i truly want to move on. forget the past? how do i let go?

where is my knight in shining armour? do they really exist? is it you? how can i be with you? how do you know you love me? why do you love me? i have been so so sorry. dont let go what you've build. dont let go what we've build. love lost is better than no love at all.

you have been my light, my guide. you were there in my darkest days. you comfort me. you cared. you loved tried and tried. will it ever be enough? good relationship gives you the sense of fulfillment. are you fulfilled?is it enough?

i admit. its not enough. why dont ask. i am sorry.but im trying to accept. im trying hard to be contented.lies and more lies. im tired. im sorry.

i do love you. now. and for always,

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